History repeats itself
I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. And I think it is. Right now. I was just sitting on the couch on the phone. And the bleeding started. I didn't notice it until I had bled through my panties. It's only been about 15 minutes since I discovered this. It's not as hard now. But oh my god. I know what this means. I just know.
I have two options. I can sit at home, prop my feet up and relax. I can go to the ER and have an ultrasound. My husband called the emergency number back. He's going to talk to the doctor and find out how long the wait will be if I go in. Because I am a wreck. I can't keep doing this. I can't I can't I can't. And even if this isn't what I think this is (but really, I'm sure it is. It always is.) well, then, how do I go on like this? When I can fall apart so easily.