Monday, September 19, 2005
In agony today
Since the middle of last night I have had occasional sharp stabbing pains in my left side. Now I don't think this is anything related to the lowercase w. My reasons are quite simple.
- The pains are on my left side; my uterus is a right unicornuate uterus. - The pains are far to the left. - The pains are beneath a scar on the left side/front of my abdomen. I have read that if there are adhesions, you will have pain as they stretch. - My little w is still moving around quite a bit and is kicking on the other side of my body.
I will likely call the doctor's office in a bit to see what I can take for it. It's just far too annoying. I felt the pain in my dreams last night -- literally, I dreamed I was standing in line outside my fourth grade classroom, but we were adults and not 10 year olds, I was pregnant and I told my friend I hurt. She started crying hysterically and then I had to try to hold her up because she was worried about my son. Interestingly, this is not a girl I have spoken to since high school (we had a falling out during senior year) and is not someone that I would talk to for more than a minute at the most if I were to bump into her in public somewhere. (Of course, none of that dream made sense -- Ellen Degeneres was the teacher and it was school picture day so she and I decided it would be really cool if we all held one of my two cats as a prop. We were also all sad to discover that the photographer was planning to crop the cat out of the photos.)
Hoping that the doctor's office tells me something I can take and isn't concerned about the pains. They aren't constant...sometimes 10 minutes between pains, sometimes more, sometimes less. And they last a total of about 30 seconds of pain. (Though sometimes it's multiple stabbing pains in a row)
11:05 AM
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