Live from Labor and's Friday morning?
Last night Mr. W arrived home from work at about 2:30am. At 4:50am, I woke to sharp pains. At peak, the contractions were spaced about 2 to 3 minutes apart with 13 in one hour before waking Mr. W at 6:00am. By 6:30am, we checked in to Labor and Delivery to find that I was 3cm dialated and 90% effaced. They immediately put me on a magnesium sulfate IV to slow or stop the contractions. I also received the steroid shot for lung development. The second steroid shot is scheduled for tomorrow morning.
At this time, the baby is still breech. Contractions were not slowing enough so an additional medication was dispensed called Endicine. They have since slowed and here I lay in bed waiting to see what's next. Contractions no longer hurt, however, they are still very regular at about 5-7 minutes apart. My parents have started the lengthy drive from the Midwest to be with me. For all I know, the baby could be born tomorrow, in a few days or hold out until his due date.
We've met with the team from anesthesia and NICU. They are prepared for a C-section when the time comes.
Updates will come when available and I am not too groggy.