Sunday, November 13, 2005
A rough day (For me; not he)
Today was very hard on me. I'm not sure why. I just couldn't handle it anymore and had to come home at 3:00. I'm going to go back in after the shift change (ends at 7:45 pm). My little one is continuing with his current protocol. All is good.
But I couldn't take it any longer. His acid reflux always leads to bradys and de-sats. And I just didn't want to watch it again. It hurts my heart to know that he's having acid reflux and I can do nothing to help him. I hate it. They assure me it's all very normal and that he will outgrow it. Logically, I know this is true. But, as I've said, it just hurts me so badly. I couldn't bring myself to have to watch it again even one more time. So, I called Mr. W to come and get me.
Of course, Mr. W is having issues of his own. He either has a cold beginning or is suffering from allergies for the first time in several years (in the concrete nastiness of our former home, he had no allergy issues; here? There are TREES and FLOWERS and GRASS everywhere). Sadly, we don't know which it is and just do not want to risk passing something to our lowercase. It's just so stressful and Mr. W has cried several times since last night because, "If I'm sick, I can't see him and I've never gone a day without seeing him since he was born!"
So...kind of rough day for me.
5:32 PM
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