I realized I never posted the end of the Great Cell Phone Caper.
There's a really good reason for that. I just did not want to believe that the end had actually come.
You see, I like to think that even those who live in the most poverty-stricken and crime filled neighborhoods are truly good people. I want to think the best of everyone. Quite frankly, I do think the best of everyone which is likely why I find myself hurting much of the time (many of you probably remember that when I'm working, I'm an elementary teacher in the inner city).
After the phone call from the boy who has my phone, we were fairly confident that he would, in fact, return the cell phone. Honestly, why else would he have called to tell us he isn't that kind of person and how truly sorry he was that we were going through all that we have.
And then? He didn't return the phone. We waited a day or so and ordered a new phone. Ver1z0n overnighted the phone to us and I got it yesterday at noon. It's been activated and at some point the voice mail will change to stop saying that the boy has stolen the phone and to please urge him to return it.