Monday, February 13, 2006
I'm so sorry it's been a while since I've posted. You see, things are not all sweetness and light for the lowercase at the moment.
I last posted about his incredible gas and the pain it was causing him. That has ceased.
His bowel movements have also ceased.
Not entirely, no, that would be much worse. He didn't go at all for the 24 hour period beginning Tuesday night and continuing until early Thursday morning. At that time, he began having dirty diapers at every diaper change. Except not really. The 9 (count them NINE) dirty diapers didn't even equal ONE of his usual two to three movements a day. So, Thursday night we saw the pediatrician.
She rubbed his belly in an effort to push things through. She did a bit of rectal stimulation. She cycled his legs. And then he went, ever so slightly. So, they sent that off to the lab for testing (results are still not reported to me as the lab didn't get the, er, sample until Friday morning). A nurse came in and gave him a glycerin suppository and we brought him home.
At 11:30 that night he went. Almost his normal volume. Very brown, very foul. We thought we were out of the woods.
Except that he didn't go again Friday. Mr. W and I gave him a suppository Friday night and SEVEN AND A HALF hours later, he went, but not a huge movement. Saturday we took him back to the peds and were, again, given a clean bill of health.
At 6 am Sunday morning, we had a small amount in the diaper. I did the rectal stimulation (gently rubbing a wipe on his bottom) and nothing happened. As I was reaching for the fresh diaper, a stream of thick brown foulness sprayed across the changing table.
And now? No more since then. My poor little man is trying to get it all out and just can't. He cries in his sleep as his body tries to work through it. So, today we will fill a prescription for him for a sort of baby laxative. A solution that will soften that which is backed up and allow him to push it through.
In the meantime, I am doing everything I can to work with my lactation consultant to get him off as much of the damned formula that I am certain is causing the constipation. In fact, I'm on my way out the door right now to get her help in teaching the little man to latch once and for all. It is beyond the utmost of importance that we get him taking in breastmilk now. I can't bear to see my little man go through this horrible constipation again.
11:44 AM
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