At what age is it appropriate to take a child to an amusement park? Specifically, the big one in Orlando? Is 2 too young? I'm considering booking a trip in the spring when the lowercase will be about 2 1/ this too young? Will he be able to enjoy anything or will it just be a big mess?
Maybe it depends on the kid? My niece went at that age and found it all very overwhelming--she preferred splashing around the pool in the hotel than visiting the park.
If you do be sure and take a trusted friend or teen to split the time with you or you and DH won't get a chance to do any adult things. Having done it and spent a lot of time in the dancing fountian and on the Merry go round etc I'd say if the plan is ot go with the little on in mind no problem if it's for you to have fun too... maybe wait a couple of years.
I so hear you. We've planned a trip for this coming December, when J will be 2 1/2 so we'll see how it goes. Of course, we are going well armed--grandma, aunt, and uncle are all coming with. After all, I figure we need a healthy ratio of adult arms to small fry bodies.
Good luck with your planning; I really think it depends on the kid, not their age but that's just my opinion.
Probably a bit late to respond, but we recently took the park with my 18 month-old daughter in June. The biggest problem was that it was very hard for her to take a nap in her stroller. We only did the Animal Kingdom, since she was clearly too small for rides yet, but I still think I will refrain until she's close to 4...