The lowercase is sick. He had a slightly runny nose yesterday afternoon, but nothing that was really concerning to me. He said he wanted to go for a walk, so we got out the coats and shoes and socks. As he sat in my lap to get his shoes put on, I started sweating from the heat of his body. I took his temperature -- 103. Shit.
Of course, I'd promised him the walk and he was NOT giving up, so he took a hit of motrin, finished getting bundled and out we went for 20 minutes of fresh air. As we walked out the door, we saw a bag hanging on our mailbox. Inside the bag were two packages that were the highlight of our day: some incredible cookies from some awesome bloggers and a plaque from the March of Dimes thanking our team for the amount of money we raised this year.
The lowercase's temperature finally dropped to 99 shortly before bedtime, after a second dose of motrin. This morning he woke up at 5:00am. At 5:30, we realized that there was no way the boy would go back to sleep and by then the parents were wide awake, so we all got up for breakfast (THREE HOURS EARLIER THAN USUAL!).
Today he's got a horrible runny nose, a bit of a cough, decreased appetite and a temperature that has ranged from 100 to 102 all day (a couple of times it dropped to 99, but didn't stay there long).
I'm going a bit stir-crazy being in the house. I would give anything to go just drive around in my car and see real people doing real things. Instead, we're sitting around the house with the little man refusing to play with his toys, getting frustrated 2 seconds into a book, and generally clinging to my body quietly zoning out. I've resorted to the all-day-PBS-and-Noggin brain rot. Mostly episodes of Thomas until I'm ready to gouge my eyes out. But at least those have made the lowercase somewhat interact with me -- he's repeatedly told me what color each train is, that James is "doooowty. James sad. James go washdown. James happy!" and that "Emily [and] Whif shunt garbage." Can cold and flu season be over now? Please? I don't know if my sanity can take an entire winter like this!
***Edited: 5:30 pm, temperature up to 104. Hoping like hell that the motrin brings it down.