Lately I've caught myself doing some really stupid things. Things like looking at twin strollers. And then thinking things like "If we find a GS and if she carries twins, and if that happens before the lowercase is capable of walking everywhere..." Next thing I know? I'm looking at freaking huge-ass triple strollers and double strollers with platforms for the older child to stand on. And, uh, I'm planning to sell my Beetle, the car I've loved for the last 6.5 years, in order to buy an Acadia (come on...7 passengers capability? Not a van? I'm all over that!).
All that and I still haven't figured out how this would all work -- especially the financial aspect of it. I don't know exactly how much of our side of the treatment our health insurance will cover. I know that it's covered, but is it 80%? Or is it entirely covered minus co-pays? Without first having an appointment with an RE, am I able to get that dollar figure? Because my cost with insurance shouldn't be in the same range as what they list as the cost of the procedure. Also, why do they not list the portions of the IVF procedure a la carte when they list their charges? I'd like to know what the transfer itself would cost since that portion wouldn't be covered by insurance. I'm just saying. would be nice to know some of that stuff so that I could give any friends who say they could be interested the full picture. (Including what compensation we could afford to give should we go forward with it) I just hate how hard this all is. And how much thought and effort I have to be able to give it!