Last evening the lowercase looked at us and said, "I want a potty."
I asked him what he would do with a potty if he had one. He replied, "I would go pee pee in it."
So, off to the store we went. We came home with a potty for his bathroom and one for the downstairs bathroom (I didn't want to have to carry it between locations and I certainly didn't want to have to rush from, say, the basement to the 2nd floor with a child who might pee on me at any second -- trust me, I got enough of that in the first month or so!).
This morning, I was telling my grandmother about it all when he looked at his daddy and said, "I need to go pee pee on my potty!" They were getting ready to go upstairs for a bath, so they rushed up the stairs and peeled his clothes off.
Apparently the lowercase made the realization mid-poopy diaper. But...and this is exciting folks: He finished going poopy in the potty! (No pee pee yet, but as he announced loudly to all the expectant parents in babies'r'us the night before: Big boys go poopy in the potty!)
I'm not expecting this whole potty training thing to go easily, but we're off to a much better start than I had expected! (On a sad note, this really is the end of the "baby" phase...I now have to admit that I'm the mother of a little boy)